Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 17, 2012

Today in Public Health Ethics we were talking about paternalism, and whether the requirement of wearing a seatbelt was infringing on people's rights to make their own decisions. I later brought up the fact that New Hampshire doesn't have a law for wearing seat belts if the person is over the age of 18. I said "Our state motto is Live Free or Die". Everyone was very surprised after I said that. This statement changed the direction of the argument entirely because instead of saying that people don't have the right to choose this, we agreed that if they were very much against this law, then they could go to a place such as NH and wouldn't have to worry about this. After class my teacher asked me, what else do you mean by "Live Free or Die" and I mentioned well motorcycle helmets, but I wasn't sure what else exactly. If you have any other ideas let me know.

This afternoon in my Human Trafficking class we had a guest lecturer who had done some work in Cambodia, because we are currently reading a book named the Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam, about a woman who was trafficked in Cambodia.

Tonight we had meatballs and rice in a curry sauce for dinner. After dinner my host sister Laura, asked "What's for dessert?" and no one had anything planned so I suggested baked apples. I remembered the days we were at Grammie's house when I was growing up and when we wanted dessert we just stuffed an apple with some brown sugar and stuck it in the microwave, and I loved it! I taught Laura how to make them last night and they were definitely a big hit. I had forgotten how much I liked them! I am not sure if the reason why I loved them so much was because they were absolutely delicious, or because of the memories it brought back from the days of easy and delicious desserts at Grammie's house.

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