Friday, February 10, 2012

Week #3 part 1

On Monday I really wanted to some thing with my friends, but I quickly learned that all of my friends had managed to stay up until about 4am so they could watch the Super Bowl. Some of my friends were very happy on Monday and others were VERY disappointed. It was pretty easy to tell who was a pats fan and who was a giants fan.
On Tuesday, a group of about 5 of us always end up on the same bus because if we leave later then we are late for class, so we all manage to get into the city at the same time. We then went into a book caffe for coffee. We found the best deal in town. Only 10 krones ($2) for a large coffee between 9 and 10:30 and since we get there about 9:25 and class is at 10:00 it works out quite perfectly. I then had a full day of classes and headed back to my host family's house. It took about 40 minutes to get to my house after i got off my train and it normally only takes about 15-20! Just after i got home my host dad was making dinner and we had homemade pizza, skinke og ogst (ham and cheese).
I have noticed that the days are getting noticeably longer even though I've only been here 3 weeks! I still watch the sunrise on the train on the way to school, but it now is still light by the time I get back in the evening, (if it's before 5:15).
Yesterday was field trip day. I didn't have a field trip until 12:00, so I went with my friend stephanie to go to the Kommune (municipality) so that I could get my CPR number. That is the Danish equivalent of a social security number. We arrived early at the Kommune because when I looked it up online it said it opened at 09:00 but when we got there it said that it didn't open until 10:00. We managed to get inside eventually and when we did we were some of the first people in line. We thought it was going to take forever at the Kommune but after we were called it took about 5 minutes. Stephanie and I then headed back to the train station and took the train to Copenhagen. At 12:00 I met my group for our public health projects. We then left at 1:00 for our interview at 2:00. It theoretically was only about 20 minutes away, but we managed to get on the wrong bus and ended up going about 5 stops in the wrong direction until we realized it. Our interview was at the Statens Serum Institut (Danish CDC). We talked to them about what they do and the role that they play in national health and even some international health. We learned a lot in that interview and it lasted over 2 hours because it included hot chocolate and pastries. By the time the interview was over it was time for me to head back to my host family's house if I wanted to get home for dinner. We had a curry soup with mini shrimp and tomato soup with bread. It was then time to do some homework and then it was time for tea and cookies. I know one thing that's true: I have been eating my share of pastries and cookies since I've been here! How can you say no to pastries and hot chocolate??

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